
Welcome to the Cloudflare Power Users Guide. This guide is a work in progress, please feel free to report typos or other issues with the content at the Pugflare github project. Pugflare.

Cloudflare’s mission is to make the Internet faster, safer and more secure. To that end, they offer a number of performance and security options. Understanding what those options mean, which might be approrpiate for you and your website and what the options are for configuring them for your website can be a bit overwhelming. The goal of this guide is to provide not only an explination of how Cloudflare and it’s features work, but also to help you understand how to best configure them for your environment.

The Cloudflare Power User Guide isn’t just for Power Users. Our hope is that this guide proves useful to Cloudflare users of every skill level. Cloudflare has so many features and options that no single person can be an expert on them all.

How this book is structured

Generally speaking each chapter will contain an overview/ introduction to the topic being discussed (e.g. DNS). Then we will discuss the various options and configuration options. And finally each chapter/ topic will conclude with frquently asked questions (FAQs) related to that topic/ chapter.